A Tentative Plan
Week 1.
- Presentation: Introduction and Scope of Study
Resources: things we will need
Software Development Resources (link to page)
- anaconda python on laptop with:
- scikits-learn
- elequent arduino
- tensorFlow lite
- ide for microcontrollers
- atom editor or vscode
- platform-io
- circuit python
- arduino c++
- micropython emulator
- tinkercad account for virtual experiments
- anaconda python on laptop with:
Hardware Development Kit (link to page)
- Raspberry Pi Pico
- breadboard
- sensors
- electronic components
Week 2.
- The Microcontroller: Raspberry Pi Pico
- Programming with Micro-/Circuit- Python
- emulate
- install and run on hardware
- Programming with Micro-/Circuit- Python
Week 3.
- The Electronics and Sensors: A Brief Refresher
- a refresher on electronics
- prototyping with breadboards
- emulate with tinkercad
- our own hardware
- introduction to our sensor kit
Week 4.
- Sensor Interfacing: Hardware and Software Details
- wiring
- coding for data recording
- python
- c++
Weeks 5 and 6.
- "statistical" machine learning: Elegant Arduino Approach
- scikits-learn models on microcontrollers
Weeks 7 and 8.
- "fully-connected" neural networks: Google's tinyML Toolbox
- making neural networks fit on a small machine