Smart Sensors Tutorial Development Kit
These are things you will need to actively follow along with the tutorial
The total dev-kit cost per person will be approximately $55-$72 USD
1. Microcontroller
- Raspberry Pi Pico with soldered header pins ~ $5-14 USD
2. Solderless Breadboard and Wires
- EITHER a pico breadboard kit ~$17 USD
- OR a full-size breadboard kit ~$12 USD
[ you can find both the microcontroller and breadboard kit sold
together as a kit ]
3. Sensors
analog microphone ~$2-5 USD
- part number MAX4466
9 DOF (degrees of freedom) sensor - accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer ~$14 USD
- part number MPU9250 or BMX055
temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, and gas sensor ~$20 USD
- part number BME680
4. Electronic Parts
- resistors, LED's, NPN transistors, etc ~$10